Category: Unit I

  • Scientific Theory of IR

    introduction The scientific theory of international relations (IR) refers to the application of scientific methods and principles to understand, explain, and predict the behavior of states and other actors in the international system. This approach emphasizes empirical evidence, systematic observation, and rigorous testing of hypotheses. Examples of Scientific Theory Some examples of broad theories within…

  • Classical IR Theory

    introduction Classical international relations theory refers to the early theoretical perspectives that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, primarily in Europe. It laid the foundation for understanding the principles and dynamics of international politics. Classical international relations theory is often associated with realism, which emphasizes the importance of power, state sovereignty, and…

  • Neo Realist Theory of International Relations

    Note: To download this PPT click here Meaning Features of Neorealist Theory Neorealism, also known as structural realism, is a theory of international relations that emerged in the mid-20th century as a response to classical realism. Neorealism places a greater emphasis on the systemic structure of the international system, particularly the distribution of power among…

  • Realist Theory of International Relations

    Meaning and features of Realist Theory Realism is a theory of international relations that emphasizes the role of power and self-interest in shaping state behavior. It suggests that states act primarily to advance their own interests, often in competition with one another, rather than for moral or ideological reasons. Realists believe that the international system…

  • Introduction to IR Theory

    Brief History of IR Theory: International Relations Theory emerged as a scholarly discipline after World War I, with the establishment of the Woodrow Wilson Chair held by Alfred Eckhard Zimmern at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. This field seeks to explain behaviors and outcomes in international politics through various theoretical perspectives. Here are some key…