Category: Unit II

  • World System Theory

    meaning and features of world system theory World-system theory is a perspective in sociology and historical analysis that examines the world as a complex system shaped by economic, political, and cultural interactions. Developed by sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein in the 1970s, world-system theory posits that the global economy is structured into a hierarchical system of core,…

  • Systems Theory of International Relations

    Meaning and features of Systems Theory The systems theory of international relations views the international system as a complex and interconnected web of relationships among states, non-state actors, and other international entities. It emphasizes how various components of the system interact and influence each other, often in non-linear ways. This theory examines how changes in…

  • Decision Making Theory of International Relations

    meaning and features of decision making theory Decision-making theory in international relations explores how states, leaders, and other actors make choices and formulate policies in the context of global politics. It analyzes the cognitive, psychological, organizational, and systemic factors that influence decision-making processes and outcomes in international affairs. Key concepts in decision-making theory include: Overall,…

  • Bargaining Theory of International Relations

    meaning and features of bargaining Theory Bargaining theory in international relations is a framework used to analyze interactions between states or actors engaged in negotiations to achieve mutually acceptable outcomes. It focuses on the strategic behavior of actors as they seek to maximize their own interests while taking into account the preferences and constraints of…

  • Games Theory of International Relations

    Meaning and features of games Theory Game theory in international relations is a mathematical framework used to analyze strategic interactions between states or actors in the international arena. It models decision-making in situations where the outcome of one actor’s actions depends on the actions of others, and each actor seeks to maximize its own utility…

  • Neo Marxist Theory of International Relations

    Meaning and features of neo-marxist theory Neo-Marxist theory of international relations builds upon traditional Marxist principles but incorporates new perspectives and concepts to address contemporary global issues. It emerged in response to critiques of classical Marxism and seeks to update Marxist analysis for the complexities of the modern world. Some key features of neo-Marxist theory…

  • Marxist Theory of International Relations

    Meaning and features of Marxist Theory of International relations The Marxist theory of international relations analyzes global politics through the lens of class struggle and economic factors. It views states as instruments of the ruling class, serving to maintain the capitalist system and exploit the working class domestically and internationally. Key concepts include imperialism, where…

  • Neo Liberal Theory of International Relations

    Meaning and Features of Neo Liberal Theory Neoliberal theory of international relations, also known as neoliberalism, is a theoretical perspective within the field of international relations that shares some similarities with classical liberalism but also incorporates elements of realism. Neoliberalism emerged in the latter half of the 20th century as a response to perceived limitations…

  • Liberal Theory of International Relations

    Meaning and Features of Liberal Theory of International Relations Liberal theory of international relations, often referred to simply as liberalism, is a theoretical perspective within the field of international relations that emphasizes cooperation, interdependence, and the role of institutions in shaping global politics. Key features of liberal theory include: Overall, liberal theory offers a more…