Category: Unit IV

  • Future of IR Theory and Challenges

    Future of IR Theory The future of IR (International Relations) theory is likely to be shaped by several key trends and developments: Overall, the future of IR theory is likely to be characterized by greater diversity, complexity, and interdisciplinarity as scholars seek to address the evolving challenges and dynamics of the contemporary global landscape. Challenges

  • Theory building in IR and stages of theory building

    Meaning of theory building In international relations, a theory is a set of principles or ideas that seeks to explain and predict the behavior of states and other actors in the international system. These theories often focus on different aspects of international relations, such as power dynamics, cooperation, conflict resolution, or the role of international…

  • Feminist Theory

    meaning and features Feminist theory of international relations is a perspective that examines the role of gender in shaping global politics and international relations. It critiques traditional theories for their neglect of gender and highlights how power structures, norms, and institutions in the international system are influenced by gender dynamics. Feminist scholars seek to uncover…

  • Power Cycle Theory

    meaning and features The Power Cycle Theory, proposed by A.F.K. Organski and Jacek Kugler, is a theory in international relations that suggests the rise and decline of great powers in the international system follow predictable patterns. It asserts that as a dominant power rises to prominence, it will eventually be challenged by emerging powers seeking…