IR Theory

Unit I
  1. Introduction to International Relations: History, Meaning, Nature, Functions and Importance of IR Theory
  2. Classical Theory
  3. Scientific Theory
  4. Realist Theory
  5. Neorealist Theory
Unit II
  1. Liberal Theory
  2. Neo Liberal Theory
  3. Marxist Theory
  4. Neo Marxist Theory
  5. Games Theory
  6. Bargaining Theory
  7. Decision Making Theory
  8. Systems Theory
  9. World System Theory
unit iii
  1. Communication Theory
  2. Dependency Theory
  3. Self-reliance Theory
  4. Clash of Civilizations – Samuel P Huntington
unit iv
  1. Power Cycle Theory
  2. Feminist Theory
  3. Theory building in International Relations and Stages of Theory building
  4. Future oh IR Theory and Challenges