• Protected: Polity: Connecting the Subject and Character Building of Good Citizen

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  • Relation between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

    introduction The relationship between the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha is central to the functioning of India’s bicameral parliamentary system. While both houses work together to shape legislation and oversee the government, each has distinct powers and responsibilities that reflect India’s democratic and federal structure. The Lok Sabha, as the directly elected lower house,…

  • Powers and Functions of Rajya Sabha

    introduction The Rajya Sabha, or the Council of States, is the upper house of India’s Parliament, functioning alongside the Lok Sabha, or the House of the People. Established under Article 80 of the Indian Constitution, the Rajya Sabha represents the states and union territories of India, providing a platform for regional interests at the national…

  • Power and Functions of Lok Sabha

    Introduction The Lok Sabha, also known as the House of the People, is the lower house of India’s bicameral Parliament, with the Rajya Sabha as its upper counterpart. Established by the Indian Constitution, the Lok Sabha represents the direct voice of the Indian people, with its members elected by citizens across constituencies in India. The…

  • Vice President of India

    Constitutional Provisions Related to the Vice President: Article 63: Article 64 Article 66: Article 67: Article 68: Article 71: Other Relevant Provisions: These provisions ensure the Vice President’s role as a key constitutional officer with specific legislative and ceremonial duties, acting as the link between the legislative and executive branches of the Indian government. Powers…

  • Energy Security and the role of OPEC

    what is energy Security Energy security in international relations refers to the accessibility, reliability, and sustainability of energy supplies to ensure national and global stability. It encompasses the policies, strategies, and measures that countries implement to safeguard their energy resources, diversify their energy sources, and protect against potential disruptions or crises that could impact energy…

  • Money Laundering

    Introduction International money laundering is the process of concealing the origins of illegally obtained money by passing it through complex financial transactions across multiple countries, making it appear legitimate. This illicit activity is often linked to criminal enterprises such as drug trafficking, terrorism, corruption, and tax evasion. Money laundering exploits global financial systems, using banks,…

  • Drug Trafficking

    introduction International drug trafficking is a global issue involving the illegal production, transportation, and distribution of controlled substances across national borders. It encompasses a wide range of drugs, including cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, and synthetic opioids, which are often manufactured in one country and smuggled into others, particularly targeting high-demand markets. This illicit trade is facilitated…

  • Arms Trafficking

    Introduction Arms trafficking has become a critical issue in international relations, posing significant challenges to global security, stability, and human rights. This illicit trade involves the illegal sale and distribution of weapons and military equipment across borders, often fueling conflicts, exacerbating violence, and undermining state authority. Arms trafficking operates in a complex landscape where demand…

  • Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    Introduction Nuclear proliferation, the spread of nuclear weapons and related technology across nations, remains one of the most pressing challenges in contemporary international relations. This phenomenon encompasses both horizontal proliferation, where new states acquire nuclear capabilities, and vertical proliferation, where existing nuclear powers expand their arsenals. The implications of nuclear proliferation extend beyond national security…

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