

Unit I

  1. Nature of International Relations
  2. Role of State Actors in International Relations
  3. Non State Actors in International Relations
  4. National Power
  5. National Interest
  6. National Security: Traditional and Modern Perspective
  7. International Security:

Unit II

  1. Conflict and Peace
  2. Changing Nature of Warfare
  3. Weapons of Mass Destruction: Deterrence
  4. Conflict Resolution
  5. Conflict Transformation

Unit III

  1. Political Economy of IR: Globalisation
  2. Global Governance
  3. Bretton Woods System
  4. North South Dialogue, WTO, G-20, BRICS

Unit IV

  1. Contemporary Challenges
  2. International Terrorism
  3. Climate Change and Environmental Concern
  4. Migration and Refugees
  5. Role of Religion, Culture and Identity Politics



Unit I – India and Major Powers

  1. India and United States
  2. India and Russia
  3. India and European Union

Unit II – India and the Asia-Pacific

  1. India – China
  2. India – Japan
  3. India – Australia

Unit III – India and the Immediate Neighbourhood

  1. India-Pakistan
  2. India-Afghanistan
  3. India-Sri Lanka
  4. India- Nepal
  5. India-Bangladesh

Unit IV – India as a Regional Power

  1. India and Central and West Asia
  2. India and Latin America
  3. India and Africa
  4. India and the Indian Ocean


II Sem MA: Contemporary Issues in World Politics

I Unit – Political Issues

  1. Imperialism
  2. Colonialism
  3. Neocolonialism
  4. Globalization and its impact on world politics
  5. Debate over the nature of world order

II Unit – Military Issues

  1. Nuclear Proliferation
  2. Arms Control and Nuclear Disarmament: NPT, CTBT and FMCT
  3. Low Intensity Conflicts: Causes, Consequences and Remedies
  4. Terrorism: Causes, Types, Methods and Consequences of combating Terrorism

III Unit – Economic Issues

  1. Foreign Aid, Economic Sanctions
  2. International Political Economy: Issues and Debates
  3. North-South and South-South relations in the age of Globalisation

IV Unit – Legal Issues

  1. Sources and Sanctions of International Law; Rights and Duties of States in International Law
  2. Humanitarian Intervention: Legal and Political Issues
  3. International Humanitarian Law, Refugee Law and Treaty Law


IV Sem MA: Managing Global Challenges (OE)

Unit I: Globalisation

  1. Political Dimensions
  2. Economic Dimensions
  3. Cultural Dimensions
  4. Technological Dimensions
  5. Global Social Networks/Resistance

Unit II: Contemporary Global Issues/Challenges – 1

  1. Environmental Protection
  2. Climate Change
  3. Poverty, Development and Human Security

Unit III:Contemporary Global Issues/Challenges – 2

  1. International Terrorism: Role of State and Non-State Actors
  2. Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
  3. Arms Trafficking

Unit IV:Contemporary Global Issues/Challenges – 3

  1. Drug Trafficking
  2. Money Laundring
  3. Energy Security and Role of OPEC